Ship Survey Status on Line
Date:July 27, 2024

Name of Ship:  


Class No.:   18S0014
IMO No.:   9792888

Type of Ship:  

Bulk Carrier

Call Sign:  

Official No.:   HK-4666
Flag:   Hong Kong, China
Port of Registration:   Hong Kong
Class Character and Notations:
★CSA Bulk Carrier
BC-A(Holds Nos. 2&4 may be Empty);ESP;In-Water Survey;ERS;Loading Computer (S, I, G, D);BWMP;Grab( 20 );CSR;PSPC(B);CM;
Class Status: Classed
Service Status: In service
Dual Class:  
Double Class:  
Registered Owner/Manager Information :
Registered Owner: CHAK WIN LIMITED
TEL/FAX/Contact person: 852-28288987 / 852-37535860 / YU Kwong Ming
Address 10th Floor Changhang Mansion 800 Zhangyang Road Pudong Shanghai 200122 China
TEL/FAX/Contact person: 021-58356228-228 / 021-58356223 /  
DOC Holder/ISM Ship Manager:
Address : 10th Floor Changhang Mansion 800 Zhangyang Road Pudong Shanghai 200122 China
TEL/FAX/Contact person: 021-58356228-228 / 021-58356223 /  
Symbols may be used hereinafter:  
**, Survey Entered into Time Window ***, Certificate Expired or Survey Overdue
Class maintenance is subject to compliance with the requirements of China Classification Society's (CCS's) Rules and Regulations and the attention is drawn to that the following circumstances would result in the suspension, withdrawal or cancel of Class:
1. For all the ships classed with CCS, the class certificate will become invalid and the class will be automatically suspended in any one of the following cases:
  (1) When the special survey has not been completed within the period of time stipulated in the Rules and an extension is not granted by the Society, unless the vessel is under attendance for completion prior to resuming trading, by the due date;
  (2) When the Annual Survey has not been completed within three (3) months of the due date of the annual survey, unless the vessel is under attendance for completion of the Annual Survey;
  (3) When the Intermediate Survey has not been completed within three (3) months of the due date of the third annual survey in each 5-year special survey cycle, unless the vessel is under attendance for completion of the Intermediate Survey;
2. For all the ships classed with CCS, the Society may suspend the class of a ship if any one of the following cases is confirmed:
  (1) When the ship is operating beyond the service limitation defined by its class notation and other additional conditions as approved;
  (2) When the ship is failed to submit any damage, defect, breakdown or grounding, which could invalidate the conditions for which a class has been assigned, for examination upon the first opportunity or, if proposed repairs have not been submitted to CCS and agreed upon prior to commencement;
3. For all the ships classed with this society, the class certificate may become invalid and the class may be suspended in any one of the following cases, unless the vessel is under attendance for completion of the surveys, by the due date:
  (1) When conditions of class or outstanding recommendations are not deleted by the due date and no extension has been granted;
  (2) When Continuous Survey items which are due or overdue at the time of Annual Survey are not completed and no extension has been granted;
  (3) When the other surveys required for maintenance of class, other than Annual, Intermediate or Special Surveys, are not carried out by the due date and no extension has been granted;
  (4) When repairs to any damage, defect, breakdown or grounding has not been completed as recommended and submitted for survey.
4. For all the ships classed with CCS, the Society may withdraw or cancel the class of a ship in any one of the following cases:
  (1) At the request of the Registered Owner;
  (2) If the circumstances leading to suspension of class are not corrected within the time specified, the vessel's class will be withdrawn;
  (3) A vessel's class is withdrawn immediately when a vessel proceeds to sea without having completed recommendations or conditions of class which were required to be dealt with before leaving port.
  (4) When class has been suspended for a period of six (6) months due to overdue Annual, Intermediate, Special or other surveys required for maintenance of class; or overdue outstanding recommendations/ conditions of class, class will be withdrawn. A longer suspension period may be granted for vessels which are either laid up, awaiting disposition of a casualty or under attendance for reinstatement.;
  (5) Where hull, equipment or machinery (including electrical installations) is so badly damaged or in other conditions (e.g. sinking, scrapping, etc.) that continuing operation of the ship is confirmed as not possible;
  (6) When the payment of survey fees is not made in time.
5. If, due to circumstances reasonably beyond the Registered Owner's or the Society's control (limited to such cases as: damage to the ship; unforeseen inability of the Society to attend the ship due to the governmental restrictions on right of access or movement of personnel; unforeseeable delays in port or inability to discharge cargo due to unusually lengthy periods of severe weather, strikes, or civil strife; acts of war, or other cases of force majeure) the vessel is not in a port where the overdue surveys can be completed at the expiry of the periods allowed, the Society may allow the vessel to sail, in class, directly to an agreed discharge port, and if necessary, hence, in ballast, to an agreed port at which the survey will be completed
6. If the survey requirements related to maintenance of special notations are not carried out as required, the suspension or withdrawal may be limited to those special notations only.
7. Withdrawal of the class of a ship will be indicated in the Register of Ships or its supplements or on the Society's website correspondingly.
8. When suspension or withdrawal of class of a ship becomes effective, the Society will send written notification to the Registered Owner and the Administration of the flag State, and make an announcement on CCS website available to the underwriters and other interested parties concerned.

Class Survey Information

Ship General Information:

Principal Particulars
Length(LOA): 179.95 Length(LBP): 177
Moulded Breadth: 32 Moulded Depth: 15
Deadweight: 38648.38 Scantling Draft(m): 10.5

Regulation Gross Tonnage Net Tonnage
ITC 69 25711 13058
National (if any)    

Contract: 2015-9-30 Keel Laid: 2015-12-16
Date of Built: 2018-4-26 Delivery: 2018-4-26
Date of Major Conversion* Contract   Date of Major Conversion* Completed  
Date of Major Conversion* Commenced      
* class related conversion only, and this is the Commencement date of major conversion

Builder Shanhaiguan New Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. Yard No. BC388-02

Major Conversion Shipyard

Hull Characteristics:
Primary Material: Steel

Class Certificates:
  Certificate Description Term Issue Date Due Date Postponed Until
  Classification Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25  

Class Surveys:
  Survey Description Date of Last Survey Place of last survey Due Date Range Date Postponed Until
  Class Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
  Class Intermediate Survey 2021-3-3 Lianyungang 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2026-7-24  
  Continuous Survey for Machinery 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
  BTS 2023-2-22 Zhoushan 2026-2-21    
  Class Special Survey for Hull 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
  Boiler Survey (Oil-fired Aux.and Exh. Gas Composite Boiler) 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2026-2-22    
  Screwshaft Survey 2023-2-22 Zhoushan 2028-4-25    
Note:BTS means survey of the outside of the ship's bottom.

Condition(s) of Class:

Class Memorandum:
Survey History:
Jobno Survey Date Survey Type
NY23SSS00072 2023-12-28 CG_ATE

Statutory Survey Information

Statutory Certificates or Documents of Compliance:
  Certificate Description Terms Issue Date Due Date Postponed Until Remarks (HSSC)
  International Tonnage Certificate FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  PC/UMS Documentation of Total Volume FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate FULL TERM 2024-4-28 2028-4-25    
  Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate FULL TERM 2024-4-28 2028-4-25    
  International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  Statement of Garbage Pollution Prevention from Ships FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  Document of Authorization for Carriage of Grain in Bulk FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Certificate of Compliance for the Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  International Anti-Fouling System Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23      
  Certificate Of Inspection Of Crew Accommodation Equipment FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Certificate of Crew Accommodation equipment (MLC 2006) FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Statement of Compliance on Inventory of Hazardous Materials FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  Statement of Compliance on Inventory of Hazardous Materials(European Union) FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  International Ballast Water Management Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  International Energy Efficiency Certificate FULL TERM 2023-2-23      
  Document of Compliance (Special Requirement for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods) FULL TERM 2023-2-23 2028-4-25    
  Statement of Drydock Inspection FULL TERM 2023-2-23      
  Statement of Compliance with Relevant US 33 CFR FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Statement of Compliance with the Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants FULL TERM 2019-9-19      
  Statement of Strength of Helicopter Landing Area FULL TERM 2018-4-26      
  Statement of compliance with the BWM.2/Circ.62   2023-2-23      

Statutory Surveys:
  Survey Description Date ofLast
Place of last
Date of 
Next Survey
Range Date Postponed Until
LL Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
LL Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
SC Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
SC Intermediate Survey 2021-3-3 Lianyungang 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
SC Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
SE Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
SE Periodical Survey 2021-3-3 Lianyungang 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
SE Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
SR Periodical Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
SR Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
IOPP Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
IOPP Intermediate Survey 2021-3-3 Lianyungang 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
IOPP Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
ISPP Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
IAPP Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
IAPP Intermediate Survey 2021-3-3 Lianyungang 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
IAPP Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
CBC Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
CBC Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
BWM Annual Survey 2024-4-28 Shanghai 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
BWM Intermediate Survey 2021-3-3 Lianyungang 2025-4-25 2025-1-26~2025-7-24  
BWM Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
IHM Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
IHM(EU) Renewal Survey 2023-2-23 Zhoushan 2028-4-25 2028-1-26~2028-4-25  
If "#" is marked,the range dates(based on the anniversary date)of Intermediate Survey or Periodical survey should also include the dates within three months
before or after the next anniversary date.

Statutory Outstanding Recommendation(s):

Ship Certification and Inspection Status

Ship Information
Type of Ship: Bulk Carrier Class No.: null
Flag: Hong Kong, China Port of Registry: Hong Kong
Distinctive No.or Letters: VRQB2 Gross Tonnage: 25711

Management Company
Ship Management Company: YANGTZE NAVIGATION(HONG KONG)CO LIMITED Address of Company: 10th Floor Changhang Mansion 800 Zhangyang Road Pudong Shanghai 200122 China

Shipowner Information
Shipowner for MLC: YANGTZE NAVIGATION(HONG KONG)CO LIMITED Address of Shipowner: 10th Floor Changhang Mansion 800 Zhangyang Road Pudong Shanghai 200122 China

Certificate Information:
Certificate Description Term(F/S/I) Issued Date Expiry Date Extended to
DOC F.T. 2018-12-29 2023-12-28  
DOC F.T. 2020-3-13 2025-2-7  

Verfication Information:
Descrption Kind of Next Verification Date if last Verification Place of last Verification Range Dates Postponed Until Remark
SER-EU SER-EU_AS          
SER-EU SER-EU_INA          
SER-IMO SER-IMO_AS 2023-5-24 Shanghai      
SMP-EU SMP-EU_INA          
SMP-EU SMP-EU_MOD